If you are planning to go fishing and there is a chance of rain, it is important to have proper rain gear to keep you dry. Good quality rain gear will last you a long time and will make your fishing experience more enjoyable. Some important factors to consider when choosing rain gear include whether you want pants or bibs, a jacket or parka, your price point, and what features you need.
Here are some of the best rain gear options for fishing, based on different factors:
Best for Cold Weather: Cabela’s Guidewear Xtreme Late Season, which is heavily insulated with Gore-Tex and 3M insulation in the body, sleeves, and hood, and has handwarmer pockets.
Best for Big Guys: AFTCO Big Guy Hydronaut, which is a no-compromise fishing rain gear that covers up plus-size anglers while retaining a full range of motion.
Best for Women: Gill Women’s Coastal, which is made with Gill’s 2 Dot waterproof and breathable fabric and has adjustable cuffs, a high collar, and a rollaway hood.
Best Budget: frogg toggs Ultra-Lite, which is a lightweight and affordable option that is easy to pack and is available in many sizes.
Best for Saltwater: Grundens Ironclad, which is a heavy-duty option that is made to withstand saltwater conditions and has reinforced cuffs and knees.
Best Packable: Simms Flyweight, which is a lightweight and packable option that can easily fit in your fishing bag and is made with Gore-Tex fabric.
Remember to choose rain gear that fits your needs and budget, and that has the features you need. Don't make the mistake of buying subpar rain gear, as it will not only be uncomfortable, but it will also not last long.
What about boots? Two of the most popular names here in Alaska are Xtratuf and Muck Boots. However, which one should you choose?
Muck Boots, established in 1999, is a company that produces 100% waterproof boots for men, women, and children, suitable for farming, hunting, gardening, and winter wear. Muck Boots have received numerous positive reviews from notable sources such as Men's Journal and Business Wire. The boots are made of heavy-duty rubber and neoprene, making them ideal for outdoor activities in any season.
Xtratuf, on the other hand, specializes in fishing boots and shoes for men, women, and children. However, their boots are suitable for various outdoor terrains and not just for fishing. Xtratuf footwear is made of lightweight latex and neoprene, making it a popular choice among hunters and hikers in the Pacific Northwest. The brand's objective is to create dependable footwear that can withstand extreme outdoor circumstances.
When choosing between the two brands, there are a few factors to consider. Muck Boots are known for their durability and offer a wide selection of boots, including chemical-resistant, snow, and chore boots. Xtratuf boots are lightweight and include features such as slip-resistance, arch support, and a XPRESSCOOL liner.
Both brands are constructed with high-quality materials and have unique features that set them apart from one another. Therefore, the choice ultimately depends on your preferences and the intended use of the boots.
